The confluence of events of 2020 has forever changed our lives: beginning with COVID-19, the ensuing economic crisis, civil unrest, and seismic protests driving a sea of change. We will be speaking with two dynamic Diversity, Equity and Inclusion professionals to talk about what we can learn from 2020. On December 8, 2020 Kenway hosted a women's networking event with special guests Kara Wright and Deirdra Donahue.
Kara Wright is a strategist, facilitator and trainer working to build resilient, equitable, and inclusive organizations. She holds a vision for people’s lives, workplaces and communities until they can envision it for themselves. She has over 18-years experience leading and managing multinational, multigenerational and multicultural teams through major organizational changes. Kara leads this work with both head and heart through a lens of care for each of her client partners. You can learn more about Kara and her work here.
Deirdra Donahue is the equity and inclusion lead for the Leo Burnett Group creative agencies in North America responsible for creating a culture where inclusion & belonging are the norm, and for ensuring that all talent has access to equitable opportunities while also feeling empowered and supported. Deirdra is a certified Co-Active™ Coach, she provides personal and professional coaching both in the agencies and as a private coach. Learn more about Deirdra’s coaching practice here.
For a refresher on diversity, equity and inclusion terms, please see the DEI Vocabulary sheet provided by Envisioning Equity. You can also watch the full event here.