To maximize return on investment for our clients and for Kenway, and scrutinize decisions based therein. To encourage professional growth through challenging work opportunities, training and mentoring, and to provide employees the freedom to maximize their own potential by enhancing the aforementioned opportunities.
A long term client was beginning to make demands concerning the staffing of Kenway resources. They wanted to hold onto specific resources in a staff augmentation manner despite the fact that Kenway could support the needs of the client at a lower cost and high quality with a different approach.
The two parties began formal discussions on the situation. Kenway explained that their model does not provide people to fill needs but rather assesses the needs and provides the right mix of services for the current needs of the project. While the current resources had provided tremendous value, the phase of the project had shifted calling for a new set of skills to be mixed in with the subject matter expertise already gained.
The conversations were difficult and caused a temporary strain on the business relationship between Kenway and the client. The idea of Kenway leaving the client was even discussed as it seemed the fracture between both sides was irreconcilable.
In the end, Kenway was able to communicate the value of their services-based model. Kenway continues to provide more services in this area with many more engagements on the horizon. By being transparent and objective, Kenway was able to lay out the value of a consulting company that delivers high return projects as opposed to working in a staff augmentation manner that while keeping the customer satisfied was not in their best interests.