September 6, 2019

Kenway Exhibits its Value as a Trusted Advisor


To strive to establish, foster and maintain the role of trusted advisor for our partners, prospects and clients through long-term, mutually beneficial relationships.


While providing program and project management services across multiple business units at a client, Kenway recognized several risks within their project delivery and program management functions. There appeared to be a lack of communication between the stakeholders responsible for the initiatives, i.e. project roles and responsibilities were unclear, and collaboration between the business and technology teams was lacking. Furthermore, the business unit project portfolios were inconsistent in regards to infrastructure, governance, and levels of management oversight.

Through industry knowledge, direct experiences with the client, and project delivery and program management methodology expertise, Kenway was able to provide observations of the current state and recommendations for a future state to key business and technology stakeholders to help improve the predictability, consistency, and quality of key initiatives.


Kenway leveraged knowledge obtained through its work with this and other clients to develop a white paper and an executive summary outlining the issues observed, root cause analysis and options to move forward. These deliverables presented tailored recommendations for how the client could mitigate some of the current pain points in their delivery processes.

Once the documents were completed, Kenway shared the observations and recommendations with key stakeholders across the organization. While all organizations agreed with the pain points that were brought to their attention, not everyone was immediately onboard with making the recommended changes.

Kenway further tailored a plan with tactical details designed to help the organizations that were ready to commit to the approach. The plan sought to mitigate the most severe risks by leveraging existing capacity already familiar with the client and their projects.


Kenway helped organizations within the client take incremental steps toward improving their project management, program governance, and organizational communication processes.

As these organizations began to realize the benefits from the initial phases of the implementation strategy, other groups bought in and expressed interest in standardizing processes and improving organizational governance. Kenway was called upon to help improve capital planning processes and deliver training designed to help plan and manage projects in a consistent and effective manner.

Since the original recommendations deliverable, Kenway has produced two similar documents for this organization. Similar to the first response, not all recommendations are welcomed or implemented right away. However, the exercise of reviewing processes and procedures and working to implement best practices on annual regular basis has proven to be a mutually beneficial tactic for both Kenway and the client, one who is now far more diligent in seeking continuous improvement.


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