September 6, 2019

Kenway Goes the Distance to Provide Value


To debate options prior to decisions, and implement the selected option for success. To foster and expand specific technology, methodology and implementation partnerships for the mutual benefit of Kenway, the partners and most importantly, our clients. To remain unencumbered by overbearing alliances with specific technologies, methodologies, and implementation partnerships.


Despite numerous challenges and pain points, a telecommunications client continued to utilize an inefficient enterprise reporting system for over seven years. The time required to build reports was overly time consuming, and the outputs were neither accurate nor meaningful. About two years ago, Kenway introduced its client to a reporting and analytics tool, which could potentially resolve their business problems. However, due to difficulties in working with a few key individuals within the software vendor’s sales force, the proof of concept lost momentum forcing the client to continue with their old solution.


Kenway had a clear understanding of the client’s business problems and believed strongly that a pilot for a new reporting and analytics system was the right approach for their client, so they continued to move it forward. First, Kenway took the initiative to meet with the vendor to communicate their disappointment in how the vendor tried to pressure its client into purchasing licenses without giving them ample time to assess a proof of concept. Second, Kenway leveraged internal reporting and analytics expertise to build a proof of concept independently of the vendor. This proof of concept was used to illustrate how the tool could solve the client’s business problems.


Once the client saw the proof of concept, they decided they were willing to reengage with the software vendor to do a further assessment of the tool. After discussing the situation with Kenway, the vendor agreed to provide the telecommunications company with a new contact point and to let Kenway take the lead in the sales cycle. The client has since agreed to a formal proof of concept project in order to further evaluate the tool and is extremely excited about the prospect of alleviating its current reporting and analytics pain points.


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