September 5, 2019

Kenway Puts a Technology Retailer First


To operate, think, demonstrate, speak and lead with integrity and emphasize it through all mediums. To always, under all circumstances and under all economic conditions, do what we believe is “right” for the client, even when what is “right” may directly lead to less business and lower revenues.


Kenway was tasked with providing an assessment of the overall environment for Program Management, Project Management and IT Governance at a Technology B2B Retailer for their Sales Compensation Program. Based on the analysis, Kenway highlighted several options and submitted recommendations that would ultimately increase throughput and lead to higher delivery quality. Kenway drove the delivery of these recommendations, ultimately leading to sustainable improvements. While these aspects of the project were a success, a lack of top level business sponsorship threatened the success of another recommendation, which was to extend the formal program governance structure—a recommendation that would require the full commitment of senior business executives within the company.

After working with the group for a year, Kenway found it evident that a significant cultural change was necessary in order for the governance extension project to be successful. In Kenway’s opinion, without this commitment, the client would likely waste significant amounts of time and resources attempting to achieve this goal while also putting at risk the successes already achieved.


Kenway candidly expressed the opinion to the management team that it would be a mistake to pursue the full governance structure unless senior leadership was truly supportive and committed to making significant changes to their own behaviors. Kenway communicated that the client was not in this position and any further work would in all likelihood be wasteful. These risks were documented and discussed openly at standing program meetings.


While Kenway would have earned more business in the short term by driving the governance extension project, the optimal action was to halt the project as it was doomed to fail from lack of sponsorship. Kenway helped the client avoid wasted time and resources, which were applied to projects with higher chances of success. By being honest through candid feedback, Kenway earned the trust of the management team, and the recommendation to halt the project was taken seriously. The management team did not pursue the additional governance, but they continue to execute and improve the IT governance activities at a micro-level.


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