From customer profiles to financials, every organization is swimming with data. The number of systems and data points available are constantly growing, making it increasingly difficult to manage information. The most forward-thinking organizations actively measure and improve their data maturity to ensure they’re progressing with the rapid pace of technology.
Data maturity is the measurement of how advanced an organization’s data capabilities are. Data maturity models enable companies to assess their data governance practices, benchmark against similar organizations, and communicate to key stakeholders. It also supports the development and continuous improvement of data governance. Achieving higher levels of data maturity is essential to avoiding the pitfalls of poor data management, especially as technological capabilities only increase and complicate the data available.
Data governance should be a part of every organization’s business strategy. Mismanaged and immature data are key contributors to negative business outcomes, such as increased risk, subpar customer experience, and poor internal communication.
The data maturity model helps you identify the gaps that may be causing these negative outcomes and find opportunities to improve.
A data maturity model is a simple framework that can be used to monitor data governance efforts and share progress with key stakeholders. With a data maturity model framework, organizations can visualize the stages of data maturity and assess where they are currently and where they want to position themselves in the future. The data maturity model framework also allows you to benchmark your progress against your peers.
The Data Maturity Model:
This example of a data maturity model demonstrates four levels of organizational maturity. The x-axis represents the stages of maturity:
The y-axis represents the capabilities increase of an organization as it reaches maturity:
Implementing data governance is a continuous journey. Data maturity models should be used periodically to help guide the data governance strategy. Whether an organization has no formal data governance program at all, is in the middle of implementing better strategies, or completed a major data improvement project, data governance maturity models are useful at each stage of the journey.
There are several different types of maturity model frameworks, each with slightly different stages. Some of the most well-known and commonly used examples are the Gartner, IBM, Stanford, and Dell models. To give you an idea of the stages of one maturity model framework, let’s look at the Dell model.
While each data model generally covers these same stages of maturity, there are some nuances between each one. The Gartner and IBM models, for example, include five stages. The differences between the stages are often the level of sophistication and adoption of data governance practices within an organization.
Regardless of the data maturity model you use, and the stages it contains, there are four key pillars to designing and using a data maturity model. Incorporating these pillars into your data maturity modeling will help ensure that your approach is methodical and comprehensive.
Higher levels of data maturity lead to the development of better data governance. Data governance and data maturity go hand-in-hand. If your organization is stagnant in progressing through the data maturity model, then the cause is typically poor or nonexistent data governance. To keep moving through the stages of the data maturity model, it’s important to implement a data governance strategy.
The goal is to ultimately realize the organizational benefits of data governance. When companies set policies and procedures, streamline processes, and actively clean their data, the business benefits. For example, reports and dashboards can be generated quickly and accurately. Many sources of customer complaints can be prevented before they turn into a phone call or email. Records are more complete and accurate, making it possible to reliably meet regulatory requirements.
Without strong data governance, organizations incur unnecessarily high costs. According to Gartner, poor data quality costs businesses $12.9 million every year. These costs appear in numerous ways, such as increased customer and employee turnover, lost revenue, time wasted on manual processes, and inability to forecast and plan effectively.
Some common misconceptions prevent organizations from implementing data maturity modeling and advancing their data governance efforts. Let’s take a look at some of these myths:
Measuring data maturity and implementing data governance isn’t a one-and-done project. It should be part of an ongoing journey towards better data governance. Even the most advanced organizations have to continually improve, as data sets are always growing more complex.
Measuring data maturity isn’t solely the job of the IT department. As data maturity improves, more departments are involved in data governance efforts. That means that IT alone can’t be responsible for continuous improvement. Executive leadership must drive data governance strategies companywide to achieve higher levels of maturity.
Improving data maturity has wide-ranging benefits, not just better compliance. There isn’t a single department that isn’t impacted by data—from sales to human resources. Better data governance helps them all achieve better outcomes and be better partners internally.
Organizations of all sizes are inundated with data. They can all reap the benefits of assessing their data governance maturity and progressing to higher levels. And data maturity models don’t require technical expertise to understand, making it possible for smaller teams to use them to improve data governance as well.
Collecting higher-quality data is a crucial aspect of data governance, but it’s just a single component of a more comprehensive approach to improving data capabilities. Better data governance involves processes, policies, and procedures. With all of those components in place, you can realize better data quality.
Depending on where you are in your data governance efforts and where you want to go, achieving higher levels of data maturity can seem overwhelming. But the data maturity model allows you to visualize the stages you need to progress through in a simple way.
Understanding where you are in your data journey can be difficult. Kenway makes it easy by providing actionable insights that enable you to progress to the next level of data maturity. We partner with organizations—many of which are in highly regulated industries—to build a data governance framework that enables them to maximize the use of their data.
When a financial services firm was faced with incomplete, poorly managed, siloed data, Kenway implemented a data governance maturity assessment to identify gaps and opportunities in their data management practices. We interviewed stakeholders from across the business to uncover pain points and determine where they wanted to be in their journey to data maturity. We then provided key recommendations to help them reach the next stage of data maturity. Read the case study to learn more.
Data maturity models help companies assess their data governance efforts and identify the actions needed to continually improve. By regularly performing data maturity assessments, you can realize the full benefits of data governance and benchmark your progress against your peers. Organizations that assess their data maturity are more likely to be successful in their data governance efforts since it’s the best way to identify areas for improvement and root out the causes of immature data management.
Not sure how to get started? Kenway’s experts are ready to help. We’ll help you hone in on the objectives you want to achieve, perform a data maturity assessment, and provide a roadmap to realizing your goals. Get in touch today.